We bring you
We know you're using more data than before. That's why we've increased the volume of internet flat rates.
Free minutes
50 min
Calls and SMS
in the Telestica network
0,50 CZK
Calls and SMS
to other networks
1,50 CZK
Monthly 100 Kč
Free minutes
150 min
Calls and SMS
in the Telestica network
0,50 CZK
Calls and SMS
to other networks
1,50 CZK
Monthly 200 Kč
Free minutes
250 min
Calls and SMS
in the Telestica network
0,50 CZK
Calls and SMS
to other networks
1,50 CZK
Monthly 300 Kč
Whatever is possible, you get for free .
We will make, send and activate your SIM card for free. You don't even pay for the transfer of the number from another operator.
You are not committing yourself to anything
We will conclude a contract with you for an indefinite period of time, which you can terminate at any time with a period of one month.
We treat you with respect
We set the conditions as simply as possible. We do not charge hidden fees. And you won't find any small footnotes with us.
We will solve everything in person
With us, you will no longer experience annoying and delaying automats - you will always speak to the operator on the enquiry line. So when you have a question or need, resolve it quickly and conveniently.